Do you mind if I wait out here?
T’importa si em quedo aquí fora a esperar?
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There is a whole world out there too big for us to ever tire of it.
Aquí fora hi ha un món massa gran per cansar-nos d’ell.
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Someone told him, «Your mother and your brothers are standing outside and wish to meet you».
Algú li va dir: «La teva mare i els teus germans són aquí fora, que et volen veure».
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It’s not safe out here.
No és segur aquí fora.
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- Out here, everything hurts.
- Aquí fora, tot fa mal.
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Hey, babe, you out here?
- Ei, nena, ets aquí fora?
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It can’t stay out here.
No pot estar-se aquí fora.
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Is she gonna bring the body out here?
Ella portarà el cos aquí fora?
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It’s crazy out there today, huh?
És de bojos aquí fora, eh?
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You been out here waiting for me?
Has estat aquí fora esperant-me?
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